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Why is the soil from the brothel used for making Devi Maa Durga?

Why is the soil from the brothel used for making Devi Maa Durga?


The image of holiness, whiteness is Mother Durga, on the other hand, the clay of the so-called 'unclean', 'unclean' area is needed to make her idol. As soon as one puja leaves, the preparation for the next year's puja begins A few months before Pujo, the busyness in Kumarpara was at its peak The muddy artist doesn't want to stop his hand Mother Durga 6 woke up as Mrinmayi At one point, step by step, from Domete, he emerged in full form But the scriptures say that a few things are necessary to make that image flourish, For example, cow urine, dung, rice husk, the water of holy Ganges, there is also soil of royal court, the soil of Chaumatha, ivory soil, soil on both banks of the river, Ganga soil and soil of forbidden village.

Art of sexworker in Durgapuja Pendel 
We worship the nine forms of Goddess Durga as the new Durga but know that the ninth clay is collected from the brothel to make the idol of this new Durga. And that is why the soil of the brothel is still needed to make the idol of the goddess from that ancient time But why this tradition?


The soil of the house is again an essential part of the idol of those who have been pushed away by the society, who have accumulated mountains of contempt and deprivation, who have nothing but fate and hatred and filthy vision. But why?

There are three main reasons behind this practice -

The ground of the brothel is full of virtue -

It is said that when a man goes to a brothel and has sex with a prostitute, and has sex with her, he leaves behind all the virtues stored in his life. And collects the pitcher filled in.

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Traditionally people believe that lust lives in human beings. Prostitutes take it in themselves. They want to keep society clean by defiling themselves. Want to keep holy. As a result, the ground of prostitution became sacred due to the virtue of thousands of men That is why idols of goddesses have to be built with this soil

However, in Hindu mythology, it is believed that the power of prostitutes is greater than that of the gods because when sage Bishwamitra was engaged in rigorous austerities for the sake of sensuality, Devraj Indra sent Menaka, the most beautiful dancer of his court, to break his meditation. As a result of Menkar's dance, Bishwamitra's meditation was broken. So Devaraja Indra became omnipotent and what he could not do like a little woman, Menaka threw it away. That is why the soil of this brothel is an essential element in making the idol of Goddess Durga, the mother of energy.

Basically, this ritual means that women are the race of the mother. The birth of a man in the womb of a woman. Men make women prostitutes. So those men are unclean. In order to make an idol of mother, one has to give the soil of the brothel, that is, those who are the victims of this situation have to be respected. The idea that a woman can never be unclean is hidden behind this ritual

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Autumn is the premature realization of the goddess. At this time Mahamaya was worshiped in nine forms. Since Mother Durga is the symbol of the entire female power, through this ritual, the prostitute is also seen as a part of the entire female nation.

So after taking the soil of the house of eight daughters in Durgapujo, the soil of the brothel was collected as the ninth daughter.

These new girls are dancers or actresses, Kapalini, Dhopani, Napitani, Brahmani, Shudrani, Goalini, Malini, and prostitutes. And since the main purpose of Durga Puja is to show respect to women, the practice of showing respect to prostitutes has been going on since ancient times.

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