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The coronavirus or covid-19 is a family of viruses that cause a range of illnesses in humans, including the common cough, and cold and more. severe forms, like SARS and MERS, which are life-threatening with the increase of covid-19 cases, and the death worldwide, the WHO declared the virus outbreak a pandemic in the second week of March 2020. So due to any kind of pandemic, the global markets, s
harply, does this was no exception, Indian markets to succumb, to selling pressure, and Nifty decline, 35 percent during the recent collection. So can we as stock market participants benefit from this correction? The coronavirus outbreak and the subsequent Countrywide lock down, deeply, impacted the Indian economy. It hit hard the income of all the Indian retailers selling non-essential items, like Cars Furnitures clothes, jewelry, Etc. Majority of the companies are expecting a significant decline in revenue and job losses, the most severely impacted sectors, where the aviation automotive and seafood, Etc. Going forward weekly income growth, and job losses are expected to impact demand and some Products Post log down too.

Heartbreaking Picture from all over the Country

Covid-19 pandemic crisis has triggered large erosion of demand globally, resulting in a sharp decline. In crude prices, due to absence of demand because of lockdown, India Imports. More than 80% of its crude oil requirements. A significant price change. In crude oil has a direct impact on the India's current account deficit. Crude oil is a used as a raw material by a lot of companies. Thus a big drop in the crude oil price may make some manufacturing companies see positive traction as well. Cost for production declines, many Pharma companies to benefit due to huge demand for paracetamol and Allied medicines. This pandemic has also made people realized the importance of life and Medical insurance.

Economic impact in Indian 

So what is the government initiative? Finance, Minister, announced rupees 1.76 lakh, crore relief package, aiming at softening the effect of this disruption, it would largely benefit the unorganized sector workers especially the daily wage. Earners are one and the rural poor, over the past few years. The Indian stock market has risk witnessed many crashes Has the biggest of them was in 2008-9 where was The subprime Lending crisis? When the market dropped by almost 60% from its peak. However, from 2009 stock markets across the globe, recovered Indian stock market, saw a sustained bull run over the years despite few hiccups. Currently coronavirus is impacting the global and the Indian economy and stock market, which has led to m
assive portfolio getting washed out. Indian stock market fell by around 35% giving an opportunity for long-term investors to invest in fundamentally sound companies at a discounted price.

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