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Shangri-La is it real ?



Have you read the book- 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari', if you have read it then you know this place. In this book at the very beginning, our writer was overwhelmed by the problems of life and went to a distant mountainous region of India to take a break. And there is a lot to be said about this Shangri-La. What is  Shangri-La and where it is now? Is it real or just a mythological place? 

The cave art of Shangri-La in Odisha

What is Shangri-La : 

Shangri-La is one of the most mysterious places in the world. Where people with an advanced mentality and Nobel hearted man live. They have been here for thousands of years, the secrete of immortality lies in this region. Some people think this area is imaginary and some people think it is real but hidden from us. Its descriptions are found in Ramayana and Mahabharata also. This place is located in the fourth dimension, hidden from the eyes of all of us. This place lies on the Himalayans in the west of Tibet. It is said that time in this place does not behave like our time. The people here live far above the time greed and desire and live a satisfying life and the sole purpose of there life is spiritual development. There is a system to make the impossible treatment possible through Ayurvedic treatment and old man is rejuvenated through the 'Kaya Klapa'. Prominent scholars of solar and lunar science and meteorology are present here. 

Shangri-La in Far Cry Game

How to get there is it Possible :

No ordinary yogi man has the ability to go there. Yogi man who are Nobel in mentality and whose social greed is not among them those individuals have reached the ultimate stage of liberation, those who love being in nature and the purest soul on earth are invited there. Ordinary People have no reason to return after reaching this fourth dimension and most of Yogi doesn't come back from there. But there have been many Yogi in the past who have return to our society for social goodwill among people and for social welfare. They have come back and increased self-knowledge among thousand of people.

People from Shangri-La, Who come back: 

Vishuddhananda Paramahansa
Vishuddhananda Paramahansa

Vishuddhananda Paramahansa also known as Gandha Baba ("Perfume Saint") was a Hindu yogi and saint who came back from Shangri-La (Gyan Ganj) He lived there for twelve years. He lived in Benares and had a great knowledge of astronomy, lunar science, and solar science. He had multiple wonderful powers, with the help of his power, he establishes the soul in a dead animals. He had the ability to float in the air while meditating. British journalist Paul Brunton met with him and he has written a book about his experience. Gandha Baba did many miraculous things in front of Paul Brunton. 

Paul Brunton
Paul Brunton

Paul Brunton on Gandha Baba

Nicholas Roerich was a Russian Painter he went to the Himalayans and fell ill, then some Yogi from
 Shangri-La treated him and save his life. Later he comeback and described his experience through painting. 

Nicholas Roerich 

A landscape painting of Shangri-La by Nicholas Roerich

Bhagban Painting by Nicholas Roerich

Nicholas Roerich painting of Shangri-La

There are also several stories and many theories on Shangri-La, it also known by different names in different countries. Various scriptures and ancient scriptures describe the place. The name of this place has come up many times in many miraculous moments. 


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