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What is Black Fungus Disease? Symptoms and Basic Treatment of Black Fungus.

Hospitals across India are reporting several cases of mucormycosis rear mycosis affecting patients who have recently recovered from covid-19. Mucormycosis or black fungus is an aggresive and invasive mycosis caused by a bunch of malls called mucormycosis.


These models are present in the environment and infection can occur after someone breaks in spores. Mucormycosis mainly affects people who are immunocompromised or take medicine that lower the body's ability to fight germs and sickness. It can affect various organs but is currently manifesting as an invasive rhino orbit of cerebral disease affecting the ear nose throat and mouth. It is not contagious but can cause a lot of damage internal and can be fatal if not detected early


Common name 'Black Fungus' is in reference to the black any that is characteristic of the disease. Center for disease control and prevention causative serious but rear disease. Without population-based estimate it is difficult to determine the exact incidence and prevalence of mucormycosis in Indian population.


While no study exist on the current prevalence the infection remain the possibility of one in ten thousand persons who recovered from covid-19. Diabetes mellitus in the most common underlying cause followed by hematological malignancies and solid organ transplant this was reported in 54% to 26% of cases according to a report. One of the main reason that triggers mucormycosis invitation for covid-19 if the indiscriminate use of a high dose of steroid sometimes given in minimally symptomatic patients. This Spikes in the sugar level in 1 Diabetes which in turn when does them vulnerable. There for rational use of steroid is necessary and constant monitoring of sugar levels and reporting to insulin due to control this level is required is essential.

A_ Black_Fungi_Patient
A Black Fungi Patient in a Hospital of India

The use of monoclonal agents or immune modulating drugs such as dosilisoumap shoud be given only when it's required and not irrationally.  Also while the funky are present in the envirment the use of nasal prongs and other devices for oxygen delivery and possible breach of sterile conditions can possibly lead to cross infection and hospital, acquired infection in patients.


A stuffy nose bloody blackish or brown discharge from the nose blackish discoloration of the skin swelling or numbness around the cheek one sided facial pain to take all job pane drooping of eyelid swelling double vision redness of eyes and sudden decrease in vision are some of the symptoms.

Black Fungus Patient 


1. The main line of treatment is an antifungal drug called Amphotericin-B which is given over an extended period of time on the strict observation of a physician. 

2. Surgery to remove the fungus growth might also be warranted. It is essential to follow appropriate treatment protocol for covid-19 patients including rational use of Steroids and monoclonal antibodies only when they can help the patient .

3. To keep blood sugar levels under control and ensure that appropriate calibration of order drug for insulin is done from time to time.

4. It is also important to keep covid patients oxygen mask and to prevent infection. Recognizing  the symptoms and seeking treatment early if there are two or three symptoms at a time in scheme. Like most is detected early mucormycosis can be cured. 

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