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How I survived form Covid 19

The panic started at the end of march in my country, although it started to take effect long before that. The virus started speeding from November 2019 in China. I just started my Job in a privet banking sector, at that time a lot of writing started coming on this subject on various social networking sites specially trolls and memes on virus. We all knew it but most of us were just casual on that topic. We never expected the virus to spread so much here, Little did we know that in the next few months the whole country, the whole world, the whole human race is going to change completely. We didn't know what was waiting for us. 



I had just joined the job so I had to go out every day for work. At the very beginning we started to ridicule on virus. If one of our colleagues wears a cloth face mast we often laughed at him. But the situation slowly began to get worse. As the day went by the virus started to increase here and there in the country. The Unknown virus that we used to laugh at at first makes us scared today. The roads that used to be crowed with people are now slowly becoming a source of fear and people are less willing to go out, the roads are empty most of the time. People started collecting information about the virus in the news, fake rumors on virus and fake information began to spread slowly. Government launched campaign to raise awareness among the general public. In addition to TV, Newspapers efforts were being made to raise awareness about this virus. Gradually March 2020 came and a suppressed fear began to form among the people. 


Gradually the situation in our country began to get worse, and on 22 March our Prime Minister Narandra Modi called for a 14-hour Janata Curfew from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. and this is the first time I've experienced, what a curfew is. The entire 130 crore country was closed on curfew that day. And From here begins the fight with virus in our country. But be honest, I was enjoyed the lock down with a lot of fun at the very beginning.I prefer to stay home quietly most of the time so the lockdown is quite fun but it was really bad to see that people across the country were having problems and suffering for lock down, every day we saw news about the plight of migrant workers, Streets and stations were crowded of migrant workers heartbreaking variety from different parts of the country. 

The lock-down was a great opportunity to spend leisure time at home, this lock down was an opportunity to relive in my lost hobbies once again. From morning to night, I was confined to my room, reading books, watching various web series and drawing pictures.



After a long lock down, the unlocking process has finally started in our country in June. After sitting at home for three and half months and having fun, this time I started going to work. As I mentioned, I work in a privet banking sector, so I had to go to work as soon as the lock down ended, but the bank take some meserments to protect ourselves in this situation. Everything was going very well, I were a face musk and after returning home, I take bath. Slowly, we began to hear about the virus case here and there.The Situation in my local area slowly began to get worse. In my working town, the number of cases started to increase one by one. 

Like every day I go back to the gym from office and then take a bath in the cold water as usual. On the next morning I started having headaches and runny nose. I feel lightheaded and weak all day in the office. On that day, as the day progresses my body starts getting weaker. And this was the first uncomfortable condition that started in my body. After coming home from office at night, I have a high fever. I had a fever with shivering all night. From the next day I stopped going to the office and my fever went high and down bit during the day. At first it seemed like a very common cold. From the next day on words, my sense and smell and taste in my mouth suddenly disappeared. There have been many colds before but this is the first time that the smell of the nose has been lost this way. To get the smell of the nose, I would bring the right thing to the nose and try to smell it again and again like, chopped lemon, ginger, onion, body spray etc. From the second day on words, severe shortness of breath started. Even if I could talk a little, I had to stop and talk as I could hardly breath. The way we breath when we go up and down two or three floors up the stairs is like sitting in a little chair go that way. However, after two day of shortness of breath, the situation gradually returned to normal, but the loss of smell continues the same way for 10-12 days.

2nd day my body temperature 

I was trying to figure out how to heal my body by watching different YouTube videos and started doing yoga exercise for breathing through the nose. Reading different articles and watching videos I would figure out the syndromes. Within two or three days of my fever, my mother's body began to deteriorate in the same way. We decided to keep ourselves in the isolation for 14 days. 

My medication during those days that help me a lot. 

Also I depend on this medication too.

After the first two or three days of fever the body become weak, but gradually the situation began to return normal in 10 days.  The situation was not easy as it seemed, the satiation could easily get out of hand. The situation has not yet become normal in our country and the whole world. Many people from all over the world have lost there lives in our county at this time. I consider me and my family very luck to survived that Pandemic. Yet we do not know how destroy this virus or don't know how to fight in a proper way, When the vaccine arrive? Will the virus be completely eradicated ? .................Writing this on December 24th 2020. 

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