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How To Write 'About Me' on your Website

You want to know this that means you are starting your own blog or website, that is why the first congratulation to you for new blogging. First, we have to know what is a blog- 

When you express your own knowledge on any subject in the form of articles that is called a blog. 

Why ‘About Me’ is important:

A perfect
blog depends on many things, like proper domain name, like organized Manu, privacy policy, and About me on your website. We often pay close attention to our blog design
and other irrelevant things and forget to improve important things. In order to
organize a blog, it’s very important to express your thoughts and that and we
write all 
those things under the ‘About Me’ section.

About Me is like a few seconds of you, that you have to
talk with your readers. And that is why the ‘About Me’ section is so important for
getting things done in such a short time. Where you have to write the whole thing in a few words. 

1. Let your readers know who really you are :

You should first keep in mind before you write about me that you want to tell your readers Who really you are. You can also tell your readers why you started this blog. Be honest and be a little creative to make it more attractive to everyone, let your reader enjoy your blog or website, be contagious, and creative. 

            Give readers information about you that you want to sell your blogging creativity and that will be more acceptable to them. 

2. Make it as it's Your Site's bio: 

We write about ourselves on our social media site in the Bio section so as the About Me part in Blogging you should keep your site's bio to the point and interesting. We Don't write big things in bio we try to make it some and acceptable to the audience. Here is some example is given below to show you how to make to the point bio - 

  1. Why Should someone read your blog - You should keep that answer in your bio in short form. Like you can say if you like that then you should read my blog, which seems more relatable to the readers, and in that way, you can make an interesting bio that attracts the audience. 
  2. What is your blog all about - Why you are creating this blog and what are you going to provide your readers should include in your 'About Me' section, What was the cause you are here make an impact on readers and you should keep it on your Bio. 

3. Sell Your self

Selling your self in one and the most important in our online world, you have to sell your self as a brand so that your readers take interest in your articles and thoughts, You have to sell your creativity through your blog that is why some important point you should mention in your 'About Me' section. 

4. Tell Them a Good Story : 

Blogging is all about your creativity you have to impress your audience through your creativity so tell them a good honest story about your journey it's new and one of the most effective ways to get the attention of your audience. You can tell them why you are here today and what is your ambition in the future. 

You should keep the 'About Me' Section authentic and different and keep your reader engage in your Blog. 

5. Get Involved with your audience:

Blogging is not a one-way process you have to make it a two-way process you have to be more involved with the audience or you can call them for action like follow me on Twitter in that call for an action you get a chance to get more and more involved with your audience, and that goes same with your audience too. Your audience will be more interested in your articles in that way. 

                And last but not the least that it's your blog you should do everything that you want to do, A individual blogger is one who enjoys his blogging so my dear enjoys your work/hobby there is a huge audience waiting to enjoy your creativity so yourself and Enjoy the tusk. 

                                                                            - Thank You. 

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